A few years ago I came across the Army Corps of Engineer files for the relocation project when they moved the graves from multiple cemeteries to the Kimball Cemetery, so that they could construct the Whitney Dam in 1948. I saved the ones that I needed personally, but bookmarked the link back in case I needed to go back to do more research. Unfortunately that link no longer works. Well, it works, but all the folders are now empty. I will include what I saved below along with the link, because who knows, maybe some day someone will reattach the files.
Kimball Bend Cemetery (pdf) – general information about the layout
New Kimball Cemetery Map (pdf) – a plot map showing the locations of the reburied
CV 31.67 WH Historical Files Cemetery Reloc Plan Vol III (pdf) – the file showing photos of the graves marked before relocation along with grave identification cards.
Original Link – where I obtained the above document. There were 17 other files listed. This link is also found on the Kimball Cemetery Association website.